Cat Obesity

Cat Obesity

Cat obesity is an increasingly common disease and has become a top concern for pet parents and veterinarians. It is characterized by excess body fat, which accumulates to a point where a cat’s health is adversely affected. In today’s post, we’ll provide some background on cat obesity, nutrition, and actions that you can take at home and in collaboration with your veterinarian to help your cat reach and maintain a healthy weight.
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Basepaws Feline Cancer Research

Basepaws Feline Cancer Research

Too many pet parents have known the heartbreaking loss of a beloved pet to cancer. As part of our commitment to helping all pets live healthier, happier, and longer lives, Basepaws is studying the genetic and oral microbiome factors associated with certain types of cancer. We welcome your participation in this research, which could inform the development of new screening tests for earlier detection of cancer in pets.
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Asthma in Cats

Asthma in Cats

Asthma is a long-term inflammatory disease of the airways of the lungs. It is fairly common in people, but we often overlook the fact that it occurs in cats as well.
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Most Common Viruses In Cats

Most Common Viruses In Cats

To keep you up-to-date with all aspects of cat health, here is an article about the most common viruses in cats, and relevant vaccinations.
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