11 people and organizations that make this world better for cats

11 people and organizations that make this world better for cats


This is not a comprehensive list, and we encourage everyone to check-in with your local shelters, veterinary professionals, and feline organizations on this special day, and create your own list. 

People and organizations that make this world better for cats

1. Special needs rescues and advocates, such as Critical Kittens.

Critical Kittens provides advanced medical care to shelter and rescue kittens that would otherwise be euthanized due to the cost of that care. They believe that there are no odds too great and no kitten too small to receive the best care and live their best lives.

2. Cat Behavior expert helping cat guardians achieve a better relationship with their cats, such as Mikel Delgado.

Feline Minds was founded with two goals in mind: to help you live in harmony with your cat(s), and better understand how to meet your cat’s needs. Too many cats lose their homes for behavioral reasons that can be understood and improved upon through cat behavior consulting with feline experts!

3. Scientists putting felines first, such as Winn Feline Foundation.

 Winn Feline Foundation is dedicated to promoting the health and welfare of all cats by developing or participating in projects for their betterment, including the funding of research and education. Every cat that is nourished by food and water, treated and cured by veterinarians, understood, and cared for by cat lovers, is impacted by Winn's funded research.

4. Famous people advocating for cats, such as Ian Somerhalder (ISF).

ISF stands behind finding unwanted animals a loving home through rescuing and adopting. The Foundation began its spay and neuter program in rural areas where resources are the most scarce, providing services such as spaying and neutering, health checkups, deworming, vaccines, and flea and tick prevention.

5. TNR organizations such as TNR Utopia.

The volunteers at TNR Utopia are just like us, and spend their free time, nights, and weekends helping community cats and educating the public about living with them. They help community cat caretakers by trapping, sterilizing, and returning the cats they feed, provide shelter to and care about. 

6. Companies finding out health markers for new feline diseases, such as Basepaws.

Our goal is to further characterize the genetic basis of specific traits and diseases that are currently unknown. We are pioneers in feline medicine and genetics, and our work will further our understanding of the complex relationships between genetic variations and their physical expression.

7. Organizations making this world better for feral cats, such as Alley Cat Allies.

When it comes to cat advocacy, Alley Cat Allies is working in communities to champion low-cost spay and neuter policies and programs, as well as lifesaving Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) and Shelter-Neuter-Return (SNR). They are a resource for tens of thousands of dedicated cat caregivers, advocates, nonprofit groups, and volunteers driving change and accelerating protection for millions of cats worldwide.

8. Veterinary Technicians who double as friends, advisors, therapists, and overall cat-heroes, such as Beckie Mossor.

Beckie Mossor is not only a Registered Veterinary Technician, but also the Head Cat Coach here at Basepaws, co-host of Veterinary View podcast, private consultant, and cat behavior advocate! Beckie has dedicated her life to helping cat parents better understand their cats’ needs and behavior and inspire confidence in their cat parenting abilities!

9. Veterinarians with cat-friendly practices, which you can find here.

These veterinarians are the trusted leaders in feline health and welfare for the entire veterinary community and cat caregivers. They have made it their mission to increase the standards of care for cats, and encourage the ongoing pursuit of knowledge.

10. The media and pet journalists, such as Steve Dale.

Steve Dale is a certified animal behavior consultant, who has been a trusted voice in the world of pet health for over 20 years! His contributions to advancing pet wellness, including his efforts to raise funds and awareness for FIP and HCM, have earned him many awards and recognition around the globe.

11. Amazing rescue organizations whose reach goes worldwide, such as BFAS.

For over 30 years, Best Friends Animal Society has been running the nation’s largest no-kill sanctuary for companion animals and building effective programs that reduce the number of animals entering shelters. To help “Save Them All,” Best Friends works with shelters, rescue groups, and our members nationwide.

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