Get to know your cat, inside and out.

Oral Health Test for Cats
Basepaws Dental Cat Health Test is the ONLY screening test for most major dental conditions seen in cats.
Risk Scores For
- Periodontal disease
- Tooth resorption
- Bad breath (Halitosis)
- Impact on general health
- Home care recommendations
- Clinical care recommendations
- Trace DNA from plants and animals (when sufficient data is available)

Breed + Health DNA Test
Basepaws Breed + Health Cat DNA Test helps cat owners learn about their cat's breed, health (now including oral health), traits, and habits.
Breeds & Breed Groups
- Breed groups similarity
- Individual breeds similarity
- Breed report updates
- Breed weight estimate
General Health
- Health markers
- Traits
- Oral health info
- Wellness info

Whole Genome Test
Basepaws Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) is the most comprehensive method for analyzing entire genomes.
- Everything in Breed + Health Cat DNA Test
- Everything in Oral Health Test
And more!
- Full access to the raw data (sent on USB drive), in addition to our standard health and breed report
- A lifetime of health and breed report updates
- 1-hour consultation with a feline genetics coach

Why thousands of cat parents say this is the best money they've ever spent on their pet
- Approved by veterinarians and veterinary dentists
- Saved $1000+ in vet bills
- Early detection of genetic predispositions
- Early detection of common dental conditions
- Largest feline genomics and oral microbiome database