Basepaws Cat Story: Loki Is A Fearless Snuggler

Basepaws Cat Story: Loki Is A Fearless Snuggler

Here at Basepaws, we passionately pursue novel discoveries in the field of feline science. It remains important to remember, however, that the true stars behind our work are the cats themselves. Today, dear cat guardians, we met Basepaws cat Loki, a self-proclaimed boss of his home and a professional face snuggler.

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened." ― Anatole France

Loki's hoomans Dianna and her husband are proud pet parents of five. The lucky couple is in safe paws too, as their home's happiness is firmly guarded by two loving dogs and three purrfect little kitties. Loki, the youngest of the three cats, was found as a stray kitten in a horrible condition:

"My husband heard the dogs carrying on outside so he went and looked. He found a teeny tiny kitten hiding behind our neighbor's trashcan. He was petrified, skinny, super dirty and infested with hundreds of fleas, so we brought him inside to help and feed him." - told us Dianna, Loki's very personal guardian.

Basepaws cat Loki Basepaws cat Loki on Day One

The lovely new addition to the family didn't take too long to win the hearts over and 'conquer' his new home. Loki quickly made friends with his canine siblings, who he seems to prefer over his cat siblings. Dianna told us that Loki is a fearless kitty of a truly dog-like nature.

He loves his dogs and spends a lot of time playing with them and sleeping by their side. His favorite toys are milk caps and hair ties. Modest or brilliant? And when it comes to the cats, he loves to chase them and 'jump' on their heads. "Loki likes to think that he's the Boss, but the older cats do make sure he knows who the boss really is." - shared Loki's hooman.

Basepaws cat Loki with Radar (left) and with Zoey (right) Basepaws cat Loki with Radar (left) and with Zoey (right)

Aside from his fearless and rumbustious nature, Loki remains a cuddly and affectionate little bundle of joy. "His favorite spot in the house is my desk. He sleeps in my arms while I work." - revealed Dianna.

"Since he was so little when we saved him, I used to sit with him and hold him for hours to make him feel safe. I had this robe that I would wear while sitting with him and for months afterward he would knead and suckle on the robe like it was his Momma."

When we asked Dianna what makes Loki stand out the most, she added that she has never "had a cat that snuggles up to your face when you are in bed." Loki, we are under your spell already!

Basepaws cat Loki as baby Basepaws cat Loki as baby

Like many pet parents who rescued their fur bundles from the street, Dianna and her husband don't know much about Loki's background. "Our area has a lot of alley cats." - explained Dianna.

"Because of Loki's condition in which we found him, we assume that he was born to one of these cats in the neighborhood, but had gotten away from his Momma." She added: "There is a gray cat with super long hair, that actually looks like a Norwegian Forest Cat, that hangs around our house and I am thinking that it could be [Loki's] Mom or Dad."

Because Loki's fur parents knew nothing certain about his background and could only make assumptions, they decided to do a DNA test for him. As we've deciphered some of his genetic secrets, Dianna learned that Loki was genetically most similar to American Shorthairs, Norwegian Forest Cats and Maine Coons.

"I thought he would be more Russian Blue, which was on his list at #5. But, the Maine Coon description describes him to a tee, so that was cool to read!" - shared Dianna.

Basepaws cat Loki Basepaws cat Loki

While our science team is cooking up new reports and updates, we have genuinely enjoyed getting to know this charming and adorable little Basepaws bundle. We are proud to have Basepaws cat Loki in our family and we hope to grant his fur parents with pawsome discoveries in the new future! Dear Dianna, thank you joining us on our journey and for sharing your story with our community.

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